O Canada!

Fogo Island Inn, Newfoundland
Rome was great and I’m sure Paris will be fun as well, but, my next trip will, hopefully, be to Canada. Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, specifically. I want to start in Portland, Maine (my favorite state) and end on Fogo Island, Newfoundland. This trip has been on my list forever and now feels like the right time to go. Recommendations welcome.
What a wonderful trip! I have done the New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island part of such a trip, it was wonderful. Do the Cabot trail and visit Baddick where Alexander Bell use to summer. My lovely Canadian friend who grew up in New Brunswick mapped it out. Unfortunately, not enough time for New Foundland.
Yes! Fabulous choice! Enjoy!
Sounds wonderful! We’ve been on 2 cruises up the coast to Canada…once around to Quebec, which was lovely! All of the ports were so great…which is why we did it twice!
One of the most impactful trips of my life: Newfoundland!! I loved every minute and every experience. But mostly, I
loved the people: so warm, so hospitable, so welcoming!!
Lunenberg in Nova Scotia is delighful.
Sounds wonderful!
Forgo is on my list too, even though Canadian ,we haven’t been as yet.
Love driving trips and starting in Maine sounds perfect.
Pre pandemic we drove from Toronto to Montreal than onto Kennebunkport
Sounds wonderful! Canada has so many great places to explore. I’d love to go on a similar trip, to include St. Pierre also. Is this a cruise or a road trip? I am currently in Italy (not so many tourists as in the past). One of my bucket list trips is Patagonia and Antartica.
The best time to go would be in the fall to see the leaves change colors…a big bonus! Love,
Our trip and stay at Fogo Island Inn was like no other!! We adore the coast of Oregon so the vibe and landscape was beyond but add in the people and their incredible rich history, we were deeply touched!
If you’ll be driving through Maine, the Maine Beer Company in Freeport is amazing for a lunch or dinner stop; Drift in Camden is a newly redone motel right on the water, then keep going to Terramor for amazing “glamping” on MDI where you won’t be short on options for adventures big or small (Abel’s for best of lobster pound + restaurant, indoor or outdoor seating). I’ve always wanted to keep driving to Nova Scotia! I believe you can also catch a ferry there from MDI’s Bar Harbor. Enjoy.
Oh, wow…I spent a summer teaching swimming in Chevery, Quebec , Pop. 251, (across the gulf of St. Lawrence from Corner Brook on your map)….Let’s compare notes! xx
We would like to move to Canada actually. I loved Ontario and the surrounding area when I visited and returned to explore BC a couple of years later. My friends there have encouraged it versus staying in the US these days.
The Trout Point Lodge in Nova Scotia is wonderful!
My husband and I honeymooned in Canada in August, 1981. We flew from Chicago to Portland to Bar Harbor, Maine, the weekend of the famous Air Traffic Controllers strike. The pilot of the tiny plane out of Portland assured us it wouldn’t be a problem because Bar Harbor didn’t have Air Traffic Controllers. After a tasty lobster dinner in Bar Harbor, we ferried the next morning to Yarmouth, Novia Scotia, where we embarked on a memorable trip for three and a half weeks, starting in the Maritime Provinces of Novia Scotia and Prince Edward Island (a magnificent drive along the Gulf of St. Lawrence), to Quebec, then to New Brunswick, long enough to board Canada Rail for a three-day cross country trip across the plains, through the Rocky Mountains, ending at Lake Louise and Victoria, British Columbia. It was a dream. Canada Rail was refined in every way: dining cars, sleeping quarters, porters, and open windows from which to enjoy the magnificent view. The 1981 version of ‘Country Inns and Back Roads,’ was our guide for itinerary and inns. My husband typed letters to inn keepers to request reservations months in advance; I still have their welcoming responses. All snail mail, of course. My purchases were a down-filled duvet in P.E.I., and a set of fine embroidered/appliquéd table linens from Holt Renfrew in Quebec, plus gifts for my mother, mother-in-law, and my sisters. Photos taken by my husband (2 Nikons with lots of clunky lenses and slide film), one land line phone call to home the entire trip. Funny how we all managed just fine without the cell phone and nobody really needed to hear from us. A treasured recipe (Maple Syrup Pie) from a quaint Quebecois restaurant, Aux Ancien Canadians, has been on the table every Thanksgiving since – 41 years this August. Have wonderful travels, Preston!
Dear Preston, you will not regret the Fogo Island Inn! It is litearlly one of the top 5 trips of my entire life, and I travel a ton! The accomodations are fabulous and unique; the food is delcious and healthy; the scenery is unrivaled and otherworldly, and the people are like no other! Everyone knew our names, and we litreally cried when we left, while hugging goodbye to the staff. However, the story of the struggles of Fogo Island’s people and how this project came to be is beyond fascinating and will leave an indeliable mark. I still become emotional when I think about it! We went in June during Lobster Berthing Season (the year is broken up into several seasons that you can read about on the website), when there is incredible light. I can’t wait to hear about your time there–it was literally life-chaning for me and my friend!
I agree with all the comments about the warm, welcoming people. It was 10 years ago when went but the drive up the Halifax coast to Lunenburg and Peggy’s cove was a highlight. In Halifax the Maritime museum is a must see for a beautiful, moving exploration of immigration and also the Titanic. Never ate a bad meal and there are plenty of restaurants downtown there as well as live music venues. Haven’t been to Fogo but I’m sure you’ll love it. If you make it to St. John’s be sure to get screeched and kiss the cod! It makes you an honorary Canadian. Try George street.
We adore Portland, Maine!
Excellent ice cream at Mt. Desert. Hifi for amazing donuts. Porthole for lobster on the wharf. We stayed at the Press Hotel – lovely and it’s a great location.
If you have time, you can book a tall mast ship for a sail across Casco Bay…
I have been to Fogo with my mum and daughter (went in august 2016) and we loved every minute of our time there. It’s another world – food at Fogo Island Inn is incredible, the little touches of the breakfast basket delivered to your door is lovely, fishing to catch cod, hiking to see the artist studios and touring around Tilting and the surrounding area will restore your faith in humanity – such hearty and lovely people. Make sure to go in the summer – it isn’t that warm (particularly at night) even in the summer!
If I had more time I would have loved to have gone hiking at Gros More National Park in Newfoundland. I have friends who have gone and have heard great reports.
I have biked around the cabot Trail (went in 2017 and can recommend if you love challenging biking. Only issue – some of the places to stay on the route leave a little to be desired! Some quaint and lovely but others are motels) but the scenery is stunning. If I had to trade off Cape Breton versus Acadia National Park – I think I would go with Acadia (if you haven’t been).
On travel to Fogo- might drive to Halifax area. Leave car there. Fly from Halifax to Gander Newfoundland (there are a few flights each day) and then have a car that Fogo Inn will organize take you from Gander to the Ferry and over to Fogo. It is a hike to get there but well worth it!
As a proud Canadian – living in Ontario – I was delighted to read the submissions from your followers who have had superb vacations in Canada! I can vouch for their descriptions of some of their travel highlights given that I have visited a number of the places mentioned. There is lots more to see across my amazing country – keep coming – you will be welcomed!