Thank You Note Season
The holidays are here and soon after thank you notes will need to be written. I’m gifting these Clementina Sketchbook cards to my girls as a gentle reminder.
:The holidays are here and soon after thank you notes will need to be written. I’m gifting these Clementina Sketchbook cards to my girls as a gentle reminder.
Correspondence cards are my favorite way to send an appreciative note!
I love the fact you still encourage handwriting thank- you notes rather than sending emails, texts, or often, nothing at all. I wish more people carried on that tradition and continued to instill good manners in their offspring.
I love paper. I used to love to go to Barneys and buy the thank you notecards from Mrs. John L. Strong. I like how you’re gifting them to your kids. My mom always taught me to be thankful. She said it opens your life to more blessings.
I love your mother’s sentiment.
Brilliant! I have note cards with art that I like from whatever museum I’ve been to recently. Still need a prod now and then myself, now I’ll remember my mother as well and won’t forget.
Agree with Cat. Some things should never go out of style – handwritten thank you’s are one of them.
And the Printery of Oyster Bay produces hand engraved and letterpress stationery
on which anyone would be delighted to receive a hand written thank you…or any occasion for that matter.
Very expensive but worth it!
I agree with sentiments expressed here about the demise of written thank you notes. An email just doesn’t do it, but I have experienced, and have heard others say, they don’t even get an email when it’s a young gift recipient. I was cautiously on my daughter’s back about written thank you cards for bridal shower and wedding gifts, and will soon be again when daughter # 2 finally selects a wedding date! Some “ old school” customs should not die!
Love giving & receiving Thank You cards.