December 16th, 2022
It Item

Thank You Note Season

The holidays are here and soon after thank you notes will need to be written. I’m gifting these Clementina Sketchbook cards to my girls as a gentle reminder.

  • Correspondence cards are my favorite way to send an appreciative note!

    RMDecember 16th, 2022  6:35 AM

  • I love the fact you still encourage handwriting thank- you notes rather than sending emails, texts, or often, nothing at all. I wish more people carried on that tradition and continued to instill good manners in their offspring.

    CatDecember 16th, 2022  3:03 PM

  • I love paper. I used to love to go to Barneys and buy the thank you notecards from Mrs. John L. Strong. I like how you’re gifting them to your kids. My mom always taught me to be thankful. She said it opens your life to more blessings.

    TracyDecember 16th, 2022  4:54 PM

  • I love your mother’s sentiment.

    PrestonDecember 16th, 2022  4:59 PM

  • Brilliant! I have note cards with art that I like from whatever museum I’ve been to recently. Still need a prod now and then myself, now I’ll remember my mother as well and won’t forget.

    SueMDecember 16th, 2022  5:35 PM

  • Agree with Cat. Some things should never go out of style – handwritten thank you’s are one of them.

    And the Printery of Oyster Bay produces hand engraved and letterpress stationery
    on which anyone would be delighted to receive a hand written thank you…or any occasion for that matter.
    Very expensive but worth it!

    JaniceDecember 17th, 2022  6:17 PM

  • I agree with sentiments expressed here about the demise of written thank you notes. An email just doesn’t do it, but I have experienced, and have heard others say, they don’t even get an email when it’s a young gift recipient. I was cautiously on my daughter’s back about written thank you cards for bridal shower and wedding gifts, and will soon be again when daughter # 2 finally selects a wedding date! Some “ old school” customs should not die!

    AprilDecember 20th, 2022  3:36 PM

  • Love giving & receiving Thank You cards.

    That's Not My AgeDecember 21st, 2022  7:21 AM


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