October 30th, 2023
For The Home

Diptyque Devotion

After Diptyque launched La Droguerie, a line of eco-friendly household products last year, I went back to the French fragrance brand with gusto. My favorite candles are La Droguerie for the kitchen, Bois Ciré, Feu de Bois, Geranium Rosa, Verveine, Baies, and Roses in the summer. On work trips to Paris in the ’90s, I would pop into the Diptyque shop at 34 boulevard Saint Germain, which was just down the street from the American Vogue offices. It was a big deal when Diptyque candles became available at Barneys and I could finally buy them here. After years of being sent and gifted a myriad of candle brands, going back to Diptyque felt a bit like going home.

  • Cannelle( Cinnamon) is my favorite- especially for the cold(ish) California nights.

    BonnieOctober 30th, 2023  12:04 PM

  • Love Diptyque. The hair mists are very good too.

    mydaOctober 30th, 2023  12:15 PM

  • Was thrilled to get an assortment of Diptyque on a recent flight that included a perfume. They are doing the products for Qatar Air.

    EBOctober 30th, 2023  3:30 PM

  • Diptyque are the best!

    LOctober 30th, 2023  5:33 PM

  • I have Fig Tree burning in my kitchen as I type. Tuberose in my Maine cottage. When I’m not there, the memory lingers no matter where I am. I also love Diptyque pump liquid hand soap for my powder room.

    PatrishOctober 30th, 2023  7:49 PM

  • Diptyque is a classic and will remain a foundation of home fragrance. My favorite has to be Pommander, and the season to burn it is just about upon us!

    PaulaOctober 30th, 2023  11:56 PM

  • Also a huge fan with my favourites being Feu de Bois and and Ambre. I used to wear Tam Dao for years and every season I look forward to the Christmas sets and the angel burners. Thanks for the tip about Pommander Paula, I don’t think I’ve smelt that one.

    SueMOctober 31st, 2023  7:50 PM


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