May 1st, 2024
It Item

The Carven Belt

I bought the Carven double wrap belt in cream and in black and love both. Hardware is gold, which I also love.

  • I love the double wrap! Preston, do you have any advice for when you add a belt , or when it looks unnecessary?

    KateMay 1st, 2024  6:27 PM

  • Sounds perfect, Preston!

    disneyrollergirlMay 1st, 2024  6:35 PM

  • Yes, I second Kate! I like the double wrap—and would enjoy hearing Preston’s thoughts on when to add a belt. I usually only wear belts with a certain pant cut, but I’m sure there are more good triggers for donning a belt.

    RMMay 2nd, 2024  4:20 PM

  • Love this new Carven collection – anyone know where the necklace is from?

    LAMAMAMay 9th, 2024  1:45 PM


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