Super Duper Random
This Victoria Beckham dress looks like the perfect grab-and-go piece, just hoping the color suits me. Did you know you can roast gnocchi? I didn’t and now I make it all the time. This NYT’s recipe is excellent. The Black Keys finally put out a new album and the songs I’ve listened to are really good. I had my daughters’ portraits painted when they were little. Now that they are in their 20s, I’m looking for an artist to paint them, again, in a completely different style. A dear friend encouraged me to layer scents and it’s changed how I buy perfume. I can’t wait to try Guerlain’s Aqua Allegoria line, the Nerolia Vetiver has all my favorite notes. The newly released YSL Lexicon is fabulous, and the reviews of Slow Horses, with Gary Oldman and Kristen Scott Thomas, say it’s a must-watch series.
Just sent you a link on IG to the Royal Society of Portrait Painters in the UK. So many interesting and varied styes.
Will definitely be roasting gnocchi because I’m not a huge fan of it boiled (too mushy) and my market now has it fresh and gluten free. And I think the VB dress will look great on you – color fantastic (if true to the photo)
Check out the tiny portraits by Jim Torok.
All such amazing suggestions. Can’t wait to see how your daughters’ portrait and what style you will choose.
I would suggest Gertrude Dub for your daughters’ portraits.
Check out Gwenn Seemel for amazing portraits that really capture the personality of the subject. My parents have had them done of the whole extended family down through the grandchildren (my niece is actually one of the ones shown on the link).
Lots to talk about: I agree with Kathy that the dress will look fab, new Black Keys was exciting and doesn’t disappoint. Thanks for the heads up about the book and no I didn’t know you could roast gnocchi, will definitely try it. I did know about layering scent and I love love to do it especially in the summer when I want to add a hint of citrus to my usual spicy warm scents. Enjoy!
Preston, Jeanya Charles did an outstanding job with my daughter’s portrait – we could not be happier. You may want to look up her work online. Good luck with the portraits!
The Slough House books by Mick Herron are outstanding. If you are enjoying the series, you will appreciate the dry wit and atmospheric settings in the novels. Thank you for the gnocchi tip!
SueM- I remember you saying that you layer perfumes. I’ve been putting Carthusia Mediterraneo, for it’s citrusy scent, over Sisley eau de campagne, which is greener.
My mother’s image was captured by a well known artist in Utah when she was eighteen years old, it was a charcoal, timeless and beautiful. The portrait above is by a Utah artist named Jonathan Linton, done over twenty years ago, He is a highly gifted artist, still painting and has a web site. The girl in the portrait was my best friend, her name is Lizzie Brooks and the artist captured her perfectly. She was a beautiful dancer and person. She died tragically along with her mother in a car accident at the age of eighteen. Made my day to read your blog and see her beautiful portrait.